
Published in Pages on 10/15/2023, last edited on 12/9/2023.


About Me

I wrote some of my stories and my experience in About Me: Some Experiences. If you're interested in that, you can have a look.

About CKY.IM

I bought the cky.im domain in January 2023. After that, I built the third version of my homepage which combines the blog and the landing page. This is a crazy idea because I designed the blueprint while I having classes and having my daydreams. The blog is improving, I just removed the shadow of boxes when the pointer is hovering above them, I love flat design, and I'm working hard on it to make that more beautiful.

Change Theme

I designed two color modes for my blog, which are light and dark. Now you can choose that by yourself.

Thanks to @nuxtjs/color-mode and TailwindCSS, they made I rewrote these parts of codes easily.


Change Language

Actually, the language settings not only affect the translations, but also the list of blogs, different languages may have different articles.



This blog is based on GitHub Discussions. I developed this feature easily because of the powerful GitHub API. You can use the same keyword syntaxes of GitHub here. We have provided three basic filter, which are:

category:Blog/en # English Only
category:Blog/zh # Chinese Only
category:Pages # Pages Only

We highlighted the keywords that you're searching for so you can quickly find the articles that you want.

Archived Articles

I'm sorry but the archived articles won't be displayed in search results and RSS Feed.

Click the "Archived" in the app bar to visit them.